
May 23, 2017

Commentary (part 2)


With all the flexibility, comment form has a relatively strong structure. Comment is (except for brief comment form) structure of evidential reasoning about some of the core issues. This predetermined content, functions, subject to the genre. During arguments commented new event associated with processes that are more general, situations and tasks, as a rule already known to the audience? Thus, we carried out an interpretation of new phenomena and their explanation, evaluation. Good Comment is always a good logical conclusion. Commented and commenting on the facts, details, details are arguments in favor of the thesis advanced by the author or send his conclusions.

Commenting carried out by the following methods:

  • The development of interconnections between the original and commenting on the facts (for example, discussion of history events);
  • Commented Event detail, details recovery features that are important for the formulation of questions (for example, you can discuss the meeting of the City Duma, stressing and inter-linking different statements, conclusions of Deputies);
  • A comparison of the facts, the development of analogies, such as with the precedents; drawing parallels that can be drawn as demonstration models found links current events (the subject), the comment;
  • The opposition, confrontation of different or opposite way of the discussed actions;
  • Interpretation of the text (explanation of the documents, “translating” the arguments of opponents to the clear language).

These and other analytical methods are used singly or in combination. Their choice stems from the specific purpose of evidential reasoning and putting the necessary questions no matter what method is used, comments contain a number of common structural elements (the main part of the commentary): a message about the event and commented posing comment objectives; formulation arising in connection with this event issues; commenting statement of facts and ideas, details; identify abstracts that reflect the author’s attitude to cover the event, the presentation of them, or at the beginning of the text, or immediately after the statement of issues related to the phenomenon commented.

Building a comment stems from the essence of the genre, and all of its structural elements are responsible for one another. Therefore, they must all be present in the comments. Otherwise, he may turn out to be, a failure. So, if there is no text in the original (commented) the fact that, if it is unknown audience, asking questions hanging in the air, and we are, at best, can only be a manifestation of a general point of view about some unknown event audience. The same happens when the commentator starts from the facts given to attract the audience’s attention, but it is not a fact, subject to commenting.

Error in commenting arises when asking questions related to the fact commented, not manifested in the test. In this case, the audience is not clear the problem, which the author discusses, or she finds out about it too late. Therefore, it is necessary to do everything possible so that the text contained all the structural elements, and thereby turn the audience into active thought process. If the author did not understand the purpose of comments, questions staging plan, it may happen that it generally will not comment on something, but will simply report certain facts.


A special role is played by the quality of the issues raised, their relevance, problem, accuracy. They affect the quality of the arguments, commenting on ideas, facts. The quality of commenting on the facts, thoughts depends on the opportunity for original, sound output (though in the short comments consequence can flow directly from the source of the facts). Usually in the full-length commentary commenting thoughts and facts necessary to assess the initial findings of the facts and grounds.

Good comment must have a clear conclusion. If it is not, then the audience may not catch the sequence of thought of the author. Purposeful, coming from the commentary to the audience pulse is weak. Of course, this does not mean that the output should be set out in a didactic manner. It can, as it were by itself flow from the logic of the author’s thinking and relationships given them facts, examples, allowing the audience (with appropriate training) have the final say on their own: “The conclusion is obvious” or “no comment.”

In consideration of comments on and technology characteristic signs of his titles. Good comment header as the header and any other text that indicates the nature of the publication. It is closely related to the construction and method comments. Often at the same time it comes to the design brief question; characteristic seems to frequent use of interrogative sentences or theses (the conclusions). Sometimes the header includes a main argument, at least – an interesting detail. It can also be one of the main ways to comment, the author applied, for example, the opposition. Substantially comment header reflects primarily an event or its associated situation, process, trends, challenges, solutions, score. It can refer to, and interconnection or to reflect the polemical thrust comment.

Thus, described the main comments training position due to functional, they just follow their mission of this genre, defined by its internal logic, the logic of a prisoner in his evidence-based reasoning. This places high demands on the logic of thinking, logic commentator action. Considering the speed at which the comments should be prepared, the genre requires the author’s high self-control, professional self-improvement.

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