
June 29, 2017

Analytical report


As mentioned above, the report as a type of publication is one of the oldest genres of journalism. First, it concerns one of its species, which is called an information report. Existed for a long time in the form of oral presentations, emperors reports, kings, or the population of some forums, meetings of parliaments, assemblies and other events, with the advent of newspapers this kind of report is migrated to their pages (for example, he presented the first Russian newspaper – Peter the Great “Gazette”). The original publication, is now called the reports, were named “report” (i.e. the message), but eventually became known as reportage publications related to contemporary essays and reports.

Genre report is widely used in today’s journalism. This statement is significant and that the variety, which is called the analytical report. What unites and what distinguishes it from the “older brother” – an information report?

The subject of journalistic research report, as well as the report of the information, in the language of modern science, is the result of verbal activity specially assembled group of people, or more simply – speeches, reports, speeches of participants of various meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, conferences, etc. The same thing, of course, can be displayed as a journalist and in the genre of notes, reports, correspondence inherent to this genre of ways, language and so on. However, this fact does not prevent talk about the analytical report as an independent genre of journalism.

So, if the publication of information genres mainly ascertain the progress meeting, conference, and so on. N., Say who made what I said (or even suggest, as he said and how it was perceived by the audience), i.e. show the outside of the subject, the analytical report “takes” in the subject of another, and it shows the internal connection of speeches, reports, speeches. Its object display angle in the publications of different genres sets the goal statements. As you know, the purpose of the information report – to inform the audience about the meeting, conference, etc.

The aim of the analytical report is different. Moreover, it is to show the relationship of certain judgments, estimates, conclusions, proposals contained in the speeches of the speakers, with real problems, situations, processes that exist at the moment in the life of the city, region, country. In addition, already based on this correlation, assess performances of participants of a forum, to determine their significance for the city, region, and country.

In other words, the performance of the participants appear as if a “bridge” to switch the attention of the audience of the media with a particular congress, meetings, conferences on what is happening in the lives of most audiences. This transition is already helping themselves to readers, listeners, viewers judge described the congress or meeting of some of its participants from the perspective of the real problems, situations, processes, which include themselves these readers, listeners, and viewers. The author of the analytical report as opposed to the author’s information report cannot set a goal to report all speeches or speakers, but can focus on some of them, the most interesting from the point of view of the relationship speeches with real deeds, which he analyzes.

The selection can be made, for example, based on the thematic unity of a number of performances. In this case, the author is able to consider any one side of the actual reality from the standpoint of the different speakers. He can focus on any one, the most significant performance and with his position to highlight the different real-life problems. In any case, the analysis is beyond the scope of the interventions in themselves.

However, this cannot be considered the author of an analytical report as an excuse for distorting the content and form of the participants. It can be treated, interpret, explain these performances, but it must be done so that the audience could easily distinguish the thoughts of the author of the thoughts voiced in the speeches of the participants of the forum, and to imagine an objective picture of what was happening.

Depending on the current actual situation, the real problem, the real process, which relate to performance of the participants of the forum, a journalist can focus in the research or to explain the reasons for this situation, problems, process, or to assess their current state, either on the prognosis of their development, either on the plan, the program of action in connection with them. Accordingly, he either will pay attention to explain or to the proposals contained in the statements, and related to the issues discussed, the situation, the processes taking place in reality. This is largely will determine the somewhat analytical report – whether it will be a record-explanation-assessment report or a report program.

Inclusion in the text of the detailed reasoning of the author, as in this case, and in many other similar publications (along with other arguments deployed, “appearing” in the individual reports), just doing their research.

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