
May 8, 2017


Executives sitting at conference table, looking at man in foreground

  1. Decide whether the purpose of the interview to obtain information about the person or about something that we know this man.
  2. Decide what you would like to learn. Make a list of questions you want to ask that person. During the interview you may have (and, most likely, there will be) a question – but the list of the main issues to be drawn up in advance.
  3. If you take an interview with some more or less well-known person – try to find out in advance about it as much as possible. Try not to ask such questions that this person has already posted many times that rubbed corn on the language – it will be uninteresting and uncomfortable once again to answer these questions, and readers are not likely to learn anything new.
  4. Arrange the questions in the order in which you specify them. The first should be the issues on which the other party will be easy and even pleasant to answer, and the most difficult and contentious issues aside to call an end – for example, if you take an interview with a politician, the question: “I heard you in the youth participated in the competition swimming? ” is put first, but the question like this: “Is it true that you are caught stealing and against you a criminal case is” better to ask at the end of the interview, because after such issue is not the source will be located to continue the conversation.
  5. Always remember that the interviewee you do not have to. The fact that he agreed to give you an interview – a courtesy on his part. Even if you want to ask some unpleasant, “sharp” questions, be impeccably polite. Give appointment in advance. Think it to be convenient to the place and time of the interlocutor.
  6. If you do not trust the other person, it is necessary at the beginning of the interview to ask some questions, the answers to which you know – it can help you understand whether you interlocutor is lying. Skeptical of any answer that you cannot check.
  7. If you want to publish an interview in the form of “question-answer” or to quote the words of the interlocutor, write down all that he says. If possible, use a tape recorder. If you only collect information that later retell in your own words, write down only the most important.
  8. Ask “open” questions (i.e. questions that require detailed response – “How?”, “Why?”, “What?”, Etc.) and avoid issues, “closed” (i.e., such that can be answered in one word – “yes,” “no,” “very,” “so-so”, etc.). For example, “closed” question: “Do you like …?” It demonstrates the lack of professionalism of the journalist and the interviewee can answer “Yes” or “No” – and this restrict. Instead, you could ask: “What exactly do you like it in …?” or “What did you feel when …?” etc. Moreover, it is not necessary to ask questions, the answer to that is implied in the question (a-la “Beautiful my daughter?” “The delicious cakes I bake?” Alternatively “Do you like Israel?”). Try to begin with the words “how”, “why” or “why”.
  9. His behavior shows the person that you are listening carefully. Look him in the eye, nod assent from time to time. If the person is sitting, and you sit down – it is better than looking down at him. Try not to make such gestures that may be perceived as a sign of mistrust or threat – not cross your arms, do not rub the chin, do not point the finger at him, etc.
  10. Keep the conversation to always assume the answer. If you ask the question: “Not if you want to comment on …”, the caller can simply say: “Do not want to.” Instead, the question can be asked: “What do you think about …?”
  11. If the other person, in your opinion, did not answer the question or did not reply to the end, make a pause in the conversation – do not say anything and expectantly looking at the interviewee. Most likely, people will do to a conclusion that you need some details – and will continue to answer your question. If the source is clearly evades the answer to your question – specify your question differently and ask him again, but not immediately, but later.
  12. If there is something you do not understand – do not hesitate to ask again. Just as much as possible, do not interrupt the interlocutor, and ask your question when a person stops to finish the thought.
  13. At the end of the conversation specify all technical details: dates, the correct spelling of names and surnames, names of cities, companies and professional terms, etc.

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