
April 28, 2017

Interview. Methods of active collecting of invoices.


Data from the perspective of informants cannot receive a one-time fee, or spending their recruitment, constantly.

Effective means of extracting information from the subjects are:

  1. Bribery (pledge or transfer of money and other material values, as, indeed, and assistance in anything).
  2. Blackmail (on the real, on trumped-up, on the vulnerability of objects).
  3. Hard threat or fact, both physical and psychological impact.
  4. The specific forced interrogation (after prior kidnapping):
  • Torture (gradual injection of feelings and expectations of pain);
  • Acupuncture (induction of drug withdrawal and the promise of an interruption);
  • Drug-examination (enter specific narcotic drugs and “splitting” with dizziness);
  • Hypnotic interrogation (introduction into a hypnotic state, characterized by the disappearance of self-control).
  1. Sexual stand (summing-sex partner for the perception of useful information, or to promote other methods of effective influence, such as blackmail, interrogation, persuasion).
  2. The game on emotions (incitement of love, hate, jealousy, vanity and other dazzling the senses, under the pressure of which there are reportedly a delicate texture “foolish”, “temper” or “out of spite” someone).
  3. “Fishing out blindly” (information retrieval during cleverly questioning or conversation):
  • “Intermedia way” (promoting natural state or inspired talkativeness);
  • “Game on indirect” (object reaction on specially prepared questions);
  • “Bluff” (creating the impression that you know more than they actually are, with the result that a person does not see the future need to hide anything);
  • “Parallel” (carrying the theme is clearly capable of causing the object has some association with the fact that you are interested);
  • “Consultation” (request for assistance themselves or anyone after bringing the object into a state of complacency and friendliness);
  • “Professional conversation” (issue of invoices due to the perception of you as a “fellow”).
  1. Trust exchange of information (data interchange, following which one must give a minimum, and to get the most and it is desirable to give only the facts, what you do not bring potential harm).
  2. Persuasion (cleverly tailored conversation with emotional and logical justification or otherwise of utility you with some information reference).
  3. Pharmacological effects (fully veiled, and sometimes even blatant use of chemicals that create or reinforce the need for the main reception the background state of the object, such as a talkativeness, friendliness, fear, apathy, etc.).

The practice of these techniques outlined in sections representing the methods of influence on the human and model effective communication.

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