
January 16, 2017

How to request feedback on your writing

No one has been born a writer. All writers had to go through the process of “becoming a writer” and if you have read as many biographies of writers as I do, you will know that it is not an easy way for anyone.

You may want to consult a professional writer, but you are afraid they will not react. It is a logical assumption that is not so. In addition to the fact that many successful writers today, when they leave, they had mentors who had experience and established.


It is not impossible, get a writer to respond to a cold email to ask for his advice. However, it is a difficult endeavor, which requires a little delicacy. Here are some tips on how to persuade a writer, who writes again:

Read your work

First, when you write to a King Stephen or a Joyce Carol Oates and you never have to read some of your work, you may want to choose another author whose work is known or will break one or two of your books for you to be better to know. It is only fair if you ask them to read their works, they have done their homework at least and read some of them for the first time.

Do a thorough research

Read some interviews and biographical information about him. Follow if you have your blog, Facebook page or Twitter account one. Find out what kind of philosophy they have about writing, how they got their first job, what they are working on. With a sense of this information will help you a personal letter. It will also help you not to accidentally step on your toes. For example, if your chosen writer is one that does not meet eBooks, you cannot let the fact that you are considering publishing your work as an eBook.

Work on the subject line

As with all writing, when it comes to titles, headlines and email subject lines, it comes to grabbing your attention. It is worth the time you perfect on your pitch game line. Otherwise, even if you wrote the highlighted letter, you run the risk of never opening it.

Consider sending mail

It is easy to ignore an email. Almost nobody gets real message today. There is something about the effort you had to go through in order to write a letter, put a stamp on it, and present it in the mailbox. This sets it apart from someone who shot 100 emails to a group of famous authors. It is the best way to personalize a message. If you send a letter by mail, be sure to include your email in the letter. Do not expect them to sit down and write a letter in response. Make it easy for authors who want to achieve.

Why write them?

Can you explain why it is what you write that writers in particular? Is it because you admire your work or write a book on a subject as one of your books? Is what caught your attention because of something she said in an interview? Why do you think your advice would be helpful to you? Explaining this to writers will help them take their request seriously.

Make it simple

You are probably aware that professional writers are very busy people. Ask to take time out of your own projects to help you with your, is a delicate subject, so you do yourself a favor by giving them enough speed to the point. Professionals appreciate keeping the message short. You may even recognize that you know they are busy and you will appreciate that they take time to read and respond to your messages.

What are your credentials?

People like to help people who think that to succeed. If you have published other works, you should consult. If you have won a prize or MFA or worked as an assistant to a screenwriter or famous author, or worked in publishing or publishing, then it would be good to mention these things. What you can (briefly) offer them help at all credentials, an idea of what you are and why spending time working your work would not be a waste.


Ask for something specific

Try to write writing experts something special, rather than something general. For example, do not ask: How to be published? This is too general and an annoying question for most authors. Where to start? Instead, put a particular question. Make it something relevant to your job or experience that you think will be able to tell you about the best answer. It is much easier for someone to answer a specific question, such as the response to a request for “advice” in general.

If you have something to offer?

If you have something special to offer you think, appreciate, move on and offer to turn it on. If the author has lived in the same area as you, go ahead and offer them for lunch or they buy a coffee. Maybe his next book in Brazil and lived there for three years. Offer some of your experience that can be useful for them to share.

Make it easy for them to reach you

Enter authors many options to get to you. Everyone has their preferred form of communication, enter their phone number, email and Skype account. Let them know if you are available to talk and make sure you are available when they are trying to get in touch.

Thanks, if you write again

If you can get their attention and decide to respond to your message, be sure to thank them. It is really a big problem that famous writers took the time to respond to you, at least they can recognize your efforts, letting them know how much you appreciate. It will also make it easier to respond to them, if you reach them again.

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